I joined the company soccer team, not expecting to be a star or anything, but with the idea of having some fun and exercise. Mission accomplished. Although we were thoroughly tromped in our fist game by a superior team (apparently half the team is moonlighting at City College after being on the UW track team), but I ran around faster than I can ever remember doing, and didn’t feel completely useless while playing a heroic (if I’m being modest) 90 minutes due to a shortage of female subs. My legs were almost cramped beyond use on the way home, and I hobbled for two days after, but it pain positively earned.
It would seem my exertions followed me into this week without my realizing. I thought I was back up to par, even venturing to work out two days before this week’s game. While my muscled seemed more or less ready for another evening of over exertion, my ankles were not. I was a bit gimpy from the get go, and was attempting more of a cripple’s hop pursuit style by the end of the game.
Today I’m sporting a full on limp with both ankle wrapped in Ace bandages unearthed from the depths of my household med supplies. It will be the height of irony if I end up with some kind of long term sports injury. There are no shortage of adjectives to describe me, but athletic has never really fell on that list.
On the other hand, I had a great game. Sure we lost stupendously yet again, but my personal level of play was much improved, if perhaps more slowly executed. I successfully stripped oncoming opponents of ball time and again, without grievous fouls, and even occasionally redirected in the appropriate up field direction. Plus, I took no less than four direct shots to the body, each leaving a distinct soccer ball shaped mark, which successfully deflected shots on goal. Perhaps I will see if they can’t get ‘human shield’ put on my jersey before the end of the season.