Day four of my Madrid adventure is in the bag, and so am I partially, as 2 AM arrives. I've actually been quite demure for the Madrid lifestyle, and have totally wrapped my must see list of Prado, Thyssen-Bornemisza, Reina Sofia and Santiago Bernabeu. Have done my share of bar hopping as well, but no clubbing. I don't think I'm a clubber. Did get an invite, but I still don't think I'm club material. Sure, I'll get dressed up and flirt with people of all nationalities, as much as language allows, but I'm pretty sure my dancing days are behind me.
On the way plus side, wine is crazy cheap here and usually comes accompanied by cheese or olives. I could totally live off this diet, but I don't know what that might do to my health regime. (assuming of course what I do counts as a regime. I don't think I've had anything fried for a day or two now. Does that count?)
More details to follow at more sober and reasonable hours. Such as, they totally expanded la Reina, and it is beyond awesome! Also of note, Americans can be irritating and the English are quite snarky. Who knew? Plus, it is not nearly warm enough, but with enough effort, I've managed to get a sunburn. Pretty sure I could accomplish that anywhere in the world. My pallor knows no bounds.