Monday, April 14, 2008

Estoy Aqui!

I am in eSpain (as one particularly charming spaniard used to call it.)

Day four of my Madrid adventure is in the bag, and so am I partially, as 2 AM arrives.  I've actually been quite demure for the Madrid lifestyle, and have totally wrapped my must see list of Prado, Thyssen-Bornemisza, Reina Sofia and Santiago Bernabeu.  Have done my share of bar hopping as well, but no clubbing.  I don't think I'm a clubber.  Did get an invite, but I still don't think I'm club material.  Sure, I'll get dressed up and flirt with people of all nationalities, as much as language allows, but I'm pretty sure my dancing days are behind me.  

On the way plus side, wine is crazy cheap here and usually comes accompanied by cheese or olives. I could totally live off this diet, but I don't know what that might do to my health regime.  (assuming of course what I do counts as a regime.  I don't think I've had anything fried for a day or two now.  Does that count?)

More details to follow at more sober and reasonable hours.  Such as, they totally expanded la Reina, and it is beyond awesome!  Also of note, Americans can be irritating and the English are quite snarky.  Who knew?  Plus, it is not nearly warm enough, but with enough effort, I've managed to get a sunburn.  Pretty sure I could accomplish that anywhere in the world.  My pallor knows no bounds. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So simple a couple of highly educated tech professionals can do it

The trusty iBook has been cranky for a couple of months now, and it became apparent I had reached the limits on the hard drive. Since this impeded my ability to purchase new music, steal music and copy music for others, it had to be remedied. Also, since I am taking a work/pseudo vacation, I should probably have a more or less functioning laptop should my services actually be required.

Naturally, I turned to SuperJoe for advice on my next steps. Certainly I couldn't leave something as critical as laptop maintenance to the professionals at Apple. He clearly intimated that he knew how to replace the drive if I just went about purchasing the correct one. I did the research, bought the drive and ventured out for my first visit to the MS campus.

Well, SuperJoe slightly mislead me in that he has not taken apart a laptop before, and we're both coming at this with little more than directions online and some tools we had to run out and buy. Apple really does not want you opening those puppies yourself. There are a million tiny screws of varying size holding it together and they have to be taken out and put back in a specific order. It totally required removing two layers from the bottom before forcing off the inside layer around the keyboard. Force was the operative word at many points in the process. To be fair, it might not have required all the layers be removed, but invoked a bit of trial and error.

Considering the amount of very physical prying, bending and outright brute force, I was sure it was the end of my iBook. After a few hours, some calming drinks and a fair amount of cursing we came out with only three extra screws and an host of dings and digs on the chassy.

I basically held my breath until it came to life at home. She's ALIVE! We are apparently geniuses! I don't have to buy a new computer!

The next challenge will be migrating the old data from the backup, but I've got over 100 GB of untarnished space at my disposal. Success!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sutíl y Sola

I may not have mentioned that I am the last of my college girlfriends to remain unmarried. It seems like this should bother me, and yet, I'm rather enjoying the single life of late. I have even been dating, like actually going on dates. Sure, this shouldn't be significant, and yet, it's new to me. Maybe I'm maturing.


Some of the guys have been incredibly nice. Maybe too nice. While I've been having a delightful time splashing about in the dating pool, I have not met anyone who inspires me to hop out of it. Not sure if it's a lack of chemistry (despite the fact that I might be a biochemist magnet) or if I'm just not ready to settle down. Either way, I occasionally feel a bit guilty. There is nothing wrong with these guys, and yet, I compulsively eschew commitment.

Sure, it's more fun to suggest it's them, but the problem undoubtedly lies with me. Don't think I'll quit trying though. It's fun, and someone else is buying the drinks.

Recent developments

In the spirit of providing updates with some measure of timeliness, I will be, in the near future, going to Spain! With a brief stop in London! And most of this trip will be on the companies dime, so I am stretching it out to milk that expensed airfare for all it is worth!

(Note - I am so excited about this you can actually hear the exclamation marks at the ends of my sentances. Sometimes I even speak in all caps.)

It so happens that our European sales teams will be having some kind of partner wooing conference in Marbella, and it was determined they would let me attend if I did all the planning. This is fantastic, since usually I have to do all the planning anyway and don't get to go to the fun locations and posh hotels. Whether this is their view of a little bonus for me or if this event is actually going to be a way bigger pain in the ass than I've assumed, it matters not. I am going to Spain where I shall dust off my atrociously neglected Spanish skills try touring as an adult and not a hostel staying student!

Actually, I will be travelling first class for most of the trip. The folks have set me up in a 4 star hotel in downtown Madrid for my 5 days of holiday time before I get down to "working". Five days in Madrid! At least one whole day of my time in Madrid is promised to seeing Real Madrid play on their home turf, Bernabeu Stadium, as well as touring the stadium and possibly stalking most of the defensive line (Iker, Fabio, etc). The rest of the week will be spent more on the cultural side with museums and tapas bars. Lots of tapas bars.

I'll polish off my two weeks abroad with a few days in London for no real reason whatsoever. Sure it's one of the most exciting cities in the world with a host of museums I haven't seen yet and new tourist attractions since I last passed through in the late '90s. That is totally why I'm going. There is no way I planned this stop in my trip just for the vague hope of crossing paths with my latest work crush. Sure developing a work crush on the charming sales guy from the UK does impede flirtation options, but it also takes some of the sting out of the fact that evidence suggests this is not a reciprocal relationship. Anyway, I'm guessing every bar in London has cider on tap, so I just might be able to keep myself entertained regardless.

Viva Clúb Sutíl!

Regardless of the motivations for my route, this will be a most excellent holiday. It embraces my recent bout of Anglophilia and relatively new found passion for fúbol, and all I really have to pay for is the hotel in London and my entertainment costs outside of Marbella. Fantastico! Sadly, Ani was unable to join me on the Euro romp, so hopefully I won't get into to much trouble unchaperoned. Ha!

Old News

A dear friend recently pointed out that I am a terrible blogger. This is of course completely true. Posts are few, and infrequent and I tend to write about nonsense.

Well, here is an update fresh from last December. I finished my sweater! It was a huge success, with the exception of it turned out at least a size or two too small. No matter! My resourceful and opportunistic nature kicked in, and the much toiled over sweater (vest to be more specific) was repurposed as Mom's Christmas gift. It fits her perfectly and is made of some rather impressive heavy wool yarn to keep her from forever being chilled.

Here is the fantastic and tiny garment with me squeezed into it. On me it seems to give a decidedly beer wench affect. Ultimately, I had to either give it to Mom or take up yodeling.