Life is hard and life is not fair.
While it was hardly news by my junior year of high school, it was a mantra our accounting teacher assured us would make life simpler to navigate and understand once accepted. He would also not be in before 8:45 on Fridays due to golf.
It would seem I'm as poor a student of life as I am at accounting because this is bullshit. I guess I’ve never truly accepted the bitch nature of life and fate. Sure, the cruel and hurtful can excel; what do I care. The success, or at least failure to suffer, is of the undeserving is of little matter to me. It’s when fate decides to take a gut shot at the, all to rare, generous and wonderful souls who have done nothing but make the world around them a better place, that I want some justice.
There should be balance. Karma should mean something. I'm not recommending the incentivizing of being a good person, but if being a good can't bring reward, at least one shouldn't be punished for it. I certainly deserve more knocks than I've gotten in my life, but there are those who are dished more than their share.
If life isn't going to play fair, it can takes its marbles and shove them up its ass. I want to know who's rigging this thing.
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