Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have made it safely back from my long overdue vacation to sunny SoCal. The highlight, and primary goal, of the trip was of course hitting Coachella w/ lifelong pal Ani, but I also soaked some quality relaxation and fun out of a couple days lounging around her house in Redlands.

My glowing Seattle pallor was able to avoid sun damage while hanging out in the ninety-plus degree heat of Indio, CA, but my personal rotisserie session on Ani’s back patio sent me home a bit pinker than when I departed. Here’s hoping it starts to resemble a tan soon.

All in all, it was fantastic. I definitely need to plan long weekends away more often, or at least as often as the budget will allow.

Despite the fun in the sun, it is good to get back home. I’m really not a California girl at heart, and 70º at home is just about the most perfect weather in creation. Thankfully my Emerald City has not disappointed this week. Summer is on.

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