Friday, August 11, 2006


The air smells fishy tonight. It has for the last couple of days. Not the alley behind a seafood restaurant fishy, but that faint seashore smell you find near docks or beaches when the seaweed is drying. Considering it’s a port city, the seaside scent isn’t unusual, but I only notice it occasionally. I’m not sure if it’s when the air is still or if the wind is just blowing from a certain direction, but I do like it. I’m not much of a water person, but I enjoy the effects of living on the sound. The weather, the relaxed pace and the occasional smells.

It’s another Friday night of me trying to figure out what to do and lamenting my non-existent phone-a-friend list. Started the evening getting most of the way through a library book that I find myself identifying with a bit much. The unsettling oddity being that it’s borderline Lad Lit and the lead character is quite moody and depressed, despite signs of measurable success, going through the clichéd ‘what have I been doing with my life’ shtick. Could be just my current mood, but it’s disturbing how much I’m identifying with the many intentions to call people that go unrealized and the overall loss of connection with one’s own life.

I’m tempted to just whole up w/ a couple of movies for the rest of the night, but I think I might venture at least as far as the local. Since I ran into some of the bar staff on my contemplative stroll back from the coffee shop, and they’re my primary neighborhood acquaintances, I might as well close out the night in my customary location. Might as well maintain the connections I do have.

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