Wednesday, June 07, 2006


My elation over finally qualifying for blood donation has been somewhat dampened by the excessive bruising incurred by my time in the blood mobile. I had expected some bruising at the puncture spot, since they were practically milking my arm by the end. (I apparently wasn’t all that well hydrated, but I’d be damned at turning back after all the red meat and supplements it took to get me there.)

The bruising and soreness now stretches rather obviously down my forearm and a wee bit up the bicep. Rather looks like someone wrestled me to the ground and forcibly withdrew a “donation.”

However, my feelings of success remain undiminished, and I’ll be pleased as punch when I get my donor card. As a bonus, my daddy is super proud, considering donation up there with the height of citizenship, so who cares if I bruise easier than summer fruit.

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