Friday, June 02, 2006


I have several bundles of photos, packed away in dark places. Oh, there are plenty photos held in albums and frames for general consumption, but these bundles are of relationships gone by. I’m not even really sure where the oldest bundles are housed these days. My parents have moved a couple of times since I lived at home, so they’re likely mildewing in a box somewhere. I haven’t expunged all the exes, just the ones that ended badly, thus tainting the fond memories that should be conjured by the multitude of smiling snapshots. Whether it’s a healing device or unhealthy blocking, I haven’t spent a lot of time or thought on.

The most recently wrapped bundle left a number of blanks in my photo albums and frames in need of filler. I also realized that there was precious little photographic evidence of the past several years, which would seem like a symptom worth noting sooner.

It was during this “reorganizing” I decided I didn’t want blank spaces in my personal history, and I quickly picked up a user friendly digital camera for recording whatever came next. Since I’ve managed to stave off meaningful personal connections and a majority of my recent adventures have been attempted solo, I am the primary subject of my growing collection of people related pics, and it’s starting to appear quite vain.

In that spirit, I present here a quick summary of how my appearance has changed since my last birthday, as well as somewhat embarrassing evidence of how much time I spend mugging for the camera.

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