Thursday, June 01, 2006


They’re back! The aphids have once again found my wee porch garden. Gah!

It’s been a year since I attempted to grow anything beyond a couple of succulents, abandoned in the messy property division of 2005, and my faithful fichus, Crighton. (What, so I’ve named a few plants. I’m not a pet person.) The peppy little potted garden I’d maintained at my previous apartment met a brutal, parched end, and the relocation to Fremont happened a bit late in the growing season to try starting again. At least, I lacked the motivation to take on the task.

The beginning of May saw life brought to my balcony, despite the added challenge of not receiving any direct sunlight, only to be faced by the aphid scourge come June. I will not be bested this year. I will not give in to the creepy, milling swarm. I’ve started with the soapy water defense, in hopes of actually being able to consume my herbs before the end of the season, but I’ll resort to full chemical warfare if need be. I have the supplies and have taken plants down in the battle before.

It is on!

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